6. Why are there so many books, movies, documentaries, etc. about the Holocaust? Why do we keep retelling this story?
>> I have two reasons, and the first one is that it is because the Holocaust was one of the major events that had ever happened in the world's history. Holocaust was a very horrible event that had happened. And those who read the books, or watched movies and documentaries about the Holocaust would also feel how horrible it was. So the second reason there are so many books, movies, documentaries, and others exist is because people, especially children, should know and remember how horrible the Holocaust was. If they didn't know how horrible it was, then a person like Adolf Hitler might rise again and starts killing a mass of people again. Nobody ever wants that to happen! Nobody wants a person like Hitler again! So by the books, movies, documentaries, etc. about the Holocaust, people would know the cruelty of that event, and then they would understand and know that anything like the Holocaust should never happen again.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
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I strongly agree with your two reasons. The Holocaust was really a horrible event in history, and many people died innocently during this era. One thing that I would add or change from your blog post is that maybe instead of children reading or watching about the Holocaust and remembering how horrible it was, they should remember more about how the world gained and learned from this event, and they should strain to be like those who helped the victims, instead of hating Adolf Hitler and not wanting to be like him. Adolf Hitler couldn't have been the worst possible man on the face of the earth. There could have been things about Hitler that we can gain from and learn from. We should all read, watch, and learn from the Holocaust and remember this event in history.
I agree with you. Except the fact that I don't really really know why we keep on retelling the Holocaust stories, I think that those two reasons are a little part of a bigger answer, mabye. Even though I'm guessing, I would probably say those two as my answer. I think that also by keeping it alive, people won't do those actions again. I think that there are people like Hitler in the world today. Such as rasicts and streotypes, just because we know more about prejudice and the effects of being cruel to another human being, it doesn't mean that it will not happen, but I think that it is a great start to preventing it. Nice job~~ I really liked it~~
Yeah~ your reasons are similar to mine. It's true that the Holocaust was a major event in history and impacted the world in many harmful (?) ways. I also remember in the documentary that there was a contest for the diaries and letters of the children during the war. This also must brought the idea of living proof to many people since those (once children) victims are stiil alive
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